Things to do this Summer!


Summer is officially well under way, and unlike last summer, this year everyone will have the opportunity to partake in the summer activities that we love so much! From camps to outdoor play sessions, this summer there will be more than enough opportunities to stimulate your neurodiverse family. For outdoor playtime ideas sure to get your kids outside and moving, check out our last blog! Don’t forget that your kids' favorite teddy bears will often join them on their outdoor excursions, and need to be properly cleaned and taken care of afterwards. Any mesh laundry bag big enough to fit your little one's friend will do! Simply toss them in the wash and make sure they are nice and clean before they get back into your kid’s hands. While getting teddy messy and dirty should be avoided as much as possible, sometimes your little ones will refuse to go places without their favorite furry friends, and there’s nothing left to do but give them a bath.


Summer camps are another great opportunity to not only give parents and caretakers a break from the daily stresses of parenthood, but to give your family an opportunity to meet and connect with others that are going through a similar experience or situation. We are proud to partner with some amazing camps that specialize in our mission of spreading light to the lives of others through the power of giving. We believe that there is no greater gift that you can give to an individual than empowerment; when someone learns to believe and love themselves they can get through anything. Camp Erin and Camp Simcha are just some of the organizations we support like this that offer much needed support and services to those facing difficult situations. Camp Erin invites grieving children to join them for a weekend as they work through different grief exercises and bring those who are dealing with a similar situation together. Camp Simcha offers fun for everyone, including those diagnosed with cancer and other chronic illnesses! Their medical and administrative staff are ready and able to care for children with different diagnoses and medical equipment.

However, we know not everyone can afford, nor secure a spot in the more competitive affordable camps that are out there, (check out this blog on one parent’s race to get into one of these camps). Fear not- there are still plenty of options for you to keep up your child's progress! We know how important it is to ensure your child's reading level, as well as emotional intelligence stay up to par with what they have learned during the school year. Ensure their summer remains a productive one through fun activities, field trips, and education. Here are some ideas!

  1. Work on touch stimulation! Is your child easily stimulated, and struggling with their sense of touch? There are ways to get them more accustomed to different feelings and textures through sensory stations! Get their hands on all kinds of different goopy, slimy, and squishy textures for them to get accustomed to.

  2. Your family may not enjoy the buzzing energetic atmosphere of traditional theme parks, but instead of a day trip to Six Flags consider a trip to a farm, sensory petting zoo, or even a Pump It Up location! Animals are wonderful therapeutic company for many children with special needs. They offer a comforting presence, and often have a calming effect when interacting with them. Petting zoos even offer a sense of touch therapy, giving your child the opportunity to get up close and personal with all kinds of different textures.

  3. Don’t count out the help your local library  can provide in ensuring your child’s summer is both fun and productive! Let your kids pick out books if they can, and help them keep reading throughout the summer. Giving them the opportunity to pick out the books they want to read ensures they’ll be excited about their daily reading time. 

  4. Don’t keep your kids tethered to books - make sure they get as much practical and real life experience/fun as possible! Find out what senses and movements your children like and find practical ways for them to experience them! If your kids love splashing their hands in water, get their help hand washing delicates, or dishes. If they love the feel of warm fabrics, have them sort and fold laundry with you!

Our EmpowerArt shows and Empowerment Programs give children with different abilities and talents an opportunity to express themselves with art and feel the joy of giving by sharing our signature teddy bears with loved ones.